Friday, October 2, 2009

Woodside Inn @ Colaba

(How to get there: Get to Regal Cinema, abandon your taxi and cross the road. Just opposite from Citibank is Woodside Inn.)

And, before you ask, new projects have kept me super busy, so I forgot I even had a second blog. Grr. So much to do, so little time. It's Colaba Week here at Toasted Mostly, I feel I give Bandra much too much attention, so we're going to walk up and down the Causeway for the next couple of posts. Cheers!

So, Woodside Inn. In three words: Pretty. Damn. Awesome. Not too pricey, which is surprising and with really good food. I particularly like the cocktails (BLOODY MARYS ARE BLOODY GOOD!), but they also do a selection of beers from across the world. The usual suspects are all there, and some really random ones as well. Worth a shot, if you're a beer afficianado and have an afternoon to kill!

And it's a quiet little place in the daytime, free wifi, which is always a plus, and nice food. (I ordered the four cheese pizza last time I was there with mutton pepperoni, which was slightly overoily but still good).

All in all, I don't have reams to say about Woodside Inn, but it does make for a nice afterparty spot post a talk or an art exhibition or a play around that side of town.

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